“For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.”

Our culture is riddled with abandonment issues—everything from the home to unfriending on social media. This is clearly demonstrated by the United States Census Bureau, which has found that nearly 18.5 million children grow up without their fathers. Burgess Owens states, “…which has in return led to the United States owning the title of the world’s leaders in fatherlessness.” We have a major crisis at hand.

As a result, we have children growing up without a secure sense of identity, seeking pleasure in precarious places. Over 80% of inmates come from fatherless homes. This is a serious issue, leading children to seek approval in detrimental places, neglect their marriages, or stay in abusive relationships out of fear of being alone.

Do you have abandonment issues, or do you know someone who does? Maybe you find fulfillment in what others think about you. Perhaps you are fearful when talking to people, nervous that they might not be your friend if you share what you truly think or if you stand up for what is right. You might just be scared that someone will let you down.

Sadly, people will let you down. They will fail and neglect you. The believer does not rest their fulfillment in another person. Yes, love, appreciate, care, and trust, but don’t set your hope in them.

You see, Jesus is the only one who can and does rescue the soul from death. Jesus is the only one who will not abandon you. This world, relationships, and even our bodies are broken by corruption, but because of grace, Jesus restores our souls. So we place our hope in Christ’s eternal work, we set our trust in the work of the cross, and we follow Jesus even to our body’s end because Jesus holds our life in His hands.

In Christ, we find assurance. That assurance transcends any issue or relationship we face because God's love for His children is unwavering. If Jesus didn’t abandon us in our sin or in the pain of the cross but took on our sin and carried our shame so that we may be right before God, then He will never abandon us.

Embrace Jesus’ eternal love by following Him. In His love, you will find the security and identity that no earthly relationship can provide. Rest in His promises, and let His unchanging faithfulness be your foundation in a world that often fails us.