A little sleep, a little slumber,
    a little folding of the hands to rest,
and poverty will come upon you like a robber,
    and want like an armed man.

Some days, it just feels like motivation is on vacation. Being lethargic can take many forms. First, it can be laziness, where someone works but with little to no effort or care. It can come as being idle in my work; the issue here is that instead of being proactive with my effort, I am reactive and always being told what to do. This person needs to be micromanaged, taking more administrative effort to fulfill the day's work. It can also be in procrastination, where I do my work only when it's on my timeline.

The issue is that you are known for the attributes of your work life, and the result is devastating. As believers, our work displays our beliefs. When our work is unmotivated, we say I am the most important person in my work. God isn't first important because I am okay with losing my testimony as I make everything about me. Therefore, gospel opportunities will not only be severely limited but will not have the gospel display it should. My boss or company isn't important because I take advantage of my position. Efficiency and problems go down, all because I have a low view of a theology of work. I could go into the customer's priority and being diminished, but I think you get the point. 

We need to take a gospel approach to our work. Let's define a Christian work ethic as diligent, energetic, humble, motivated, and productive. A gospel approach is that the primary reason I work isn't for a paycheck or because I enjoy it, but rather as an opportunity to make the name of Jesus famous. When I work with that in mind, I begin to serve; I begin to change my speech, redirect my attention, and use my work to be a witness. 

Here are 10 tips for Gospel-Centered Work. 

1. Begin the work day in prayer, asking God to fill you and use you for God's glory as your work. 

2. Take opportunities to encourage other believers. Help them walk more faithfully in Christ. 

3. Use your Words to share the gospel to the Lost. 

4. Be proactive. Think about how I can make this a better place within the sphere of influence that you are given. 

5. Allow your work to be a display of what's the most important aspect of your life. 

6. Stop any and all gossip. Talking behind someone's back will take away gospel opportunities and breed a culture of bitterness.

7. When asked to do something you don't, take the form of a servant and do it joyfully. Be someone the boss can count on even when it is not fair. 

8. Forgive when you have been wronged or have been looked over for a promotion. 

9. Pray for those you work for, with, and around. As the Lord, use you in their lives. 

10. Seek opportunities to serve someone specifically. Look for co-workers dealing with a difficult season and show them the love of Christ. 

Take these ten tips over the next year and see what Christ will do through your work.