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Can I ask a favor?

Multiplication. That’s on my mind today. We are embarking on multiplying the work that God is doing at Vertical by planting a church in Jackson.

Can I ask a favor? Or two?

1. Can you pray for the church plant in Jackson? That God would send His presence. That God would send people for the mission. That God would provide financial support for the mission.

2. Would you be able to help serve at the booth at the Apple Festival?
        This would really help get the word out about our church plant in Jackson. There is a link that shows the time slots that need covered during the week of September 17th (Tuesday) thru 21st (Saturday). We will be possibly making popcorn, and just sharing with people about Vertical as they come to the booth.

  Your help here is needed, wanted, and appreciated.

In Christ,
Pastor Jon
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